Inspired by my blog entry here and by the Scrapbytes December-January Challenge, I was able to start making my Up With People scrapbook.
There are hidden journaling under the tags. They're handwritten.
" Though the actual journey was only for half a year, my whole 2007 was occupied with thoughts and lessons about UWP. When faced with the question, "How was it?" Explaining the experience to the letter would be very difficult. I could probably enumerate all the stuff I learned ranging from leadership principles to immigration policies, but I will spare you from that overwhelming sensation and share with you the seemingly small but valuable lessons."
LESSONS TAG hidden journal:
"My adventure was never without bumps. I pray that this half year of my life will impact me forever. This page will hopefully serve as a reference for me to look back to when I start to forget about the good things in life, and when I need to be reminded about the lessons I learned..."
I decided to make it a "Suitcase" Theme and I already have a very smart sketch for the cover And the rest of the album will carry this theme ! I am so excited to get started on making the whole thing.
Without a job, I can't go on a scrapbooking binge so I am making do with my current stash and hopefully be able to create the whole album with what I have (this also brings back the essence of "scrap"booking, hehe) I can't even buy those fancy schmancy refillable albums so I decided to use All About Scrapbooking's biggest album, which I hope will work well! (I made provisions for margins tho, so if it falls apart in the future I can have it bound again!.
To save on cash, scrap supplies AND time, I made a layout using more of my style and less "Contest" style. What do I mean by "Contest" style? Oh, fancy stuff. Publish-worthy stuff with all the blings and embellishments that I can't afford, hehe. But I want to create whole albums and I can't afford a whole album if I do it that way. (I also want to make my albums relatively flat and "closeable" -- what good will "acid and lignin free products do if your books won't close flat?)
However, I like my style :-) although I know without too much bling I have a far shot at winning contests. Eh, but I am having fun making and joining. Malay , maka-chamba, eh di hitting two birds with one stone. ;-)
I so love your suitcase design! How did the 12x12 fit? Nagdugtong ka ba? Hindi ko mahanap ang seams! Galing-galing! And good luck and have fun!
Wow new layouts! Buti na kang I thought I'd check your scrap blog or I would have missed these. I like what you said about "contest" layouts and I agree with, if you want something done painlessly, stick with your own style. It's easier and you end up being so happy with it cause it's truly yours. See you sa next EB ha...
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Home Theater, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://home-theater-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
Gorgeous pages, love tha layouts
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